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strawberry blonde lady wearing a white jumper looking outside a car window

Pippa, Orri’s Head of Creative and Somatic Therapy, provides 5 steps that can help you feel grounded and more attuned to your needs in eating disorder recovery.

rainbow by a window

Did January go how you had planned it? Or, maybe those recovery goals you set at the start of the year are feeling harder to reach. If you are feeling the pull of the inner critic, here are some reminders.

older lady with short hair leaning on a rail

Eating disorder recovery is hard work. A raw and honest account of recovery from orthorexia, from a Guest Blogger. Go gently.

man on his guitar sitting by a white wall

Our Regular Guest Blogger uses poetry to express his learnings and emotions throughout his recovery from Anorexia. In this poem, he explores family dynamics with an eating disorder.

It can be difficult to escape the conversation around health, diet or body talk. If you feel stuck in this void of social pressure and diet culture, here’s a gentle blog to remind you that you are enough already.

woman in a yoga pose in sunrise

New Year, New Me? It doesn’t have to be. Stacey, Orri’s Sport and Exercise Psychologist, offers her specialist insight on how you can be the same you this year, just with more compassion.

Trauma-informed nutritionist and previous guest of Orri’s Instagram Lives, Kaysha Thomas, shares her specialist advice on how students can manage food upon return, or arrival, at university.

Sometimes, Christmas isn’t the “most wonderful time of the year”. Especially for individuals and their families in eating disorder recovery. Here are community tips on how thrive in recovery this festive season.

hannah hickinbotham full of beans

Christmas can heighten pressure to perhaps ‘be recovered’ and ‘well’ at the dinner table. To help you prepare for Christmas, we spoke with Hannah, previous Orri team member and founder of Full of Beans podcast, to share her key tips.

Festivities can be enjoyable. Though for some, it can be painful; especially if there is somebody missing at the dinner table. A gentle blog on how you can cope this Christmas without your loved ones.

For Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we spoke to our client, Richard, about his journey with binge eating disorder and starting his recovery journey at Orri. At what point did you realise that you were suffering with Binge Eating Disorder? I...
Anorexia is a complex mental illness, but it is treatable and recovery is possible. Despite how it may seem, anorexia – like other eating disorders – is not just about food. Rather, there are often complex emotional underlying causes that prompt an individual...

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