Outpatient Services

Individual and Group Therapy Programmes

A safe space to explore you

Individual therapy

Individual therapy sessions are confidential, safe spaces for you to explore the different aspects of who you are, your eating disorder, and your goals for recovery.

Sessions are led by expert clinicians who offer a trusting and non-judgmental relationship, helping you feel seen, heard, and understood in your experience.

Our approach creates space to understand the underlying causes of the eating disorder whilst healing the behavioural symptoms in tandem, ensuring long-term, sustainable eating disorder recovery.

We do this through a number of evidence-based and innovative approaches that meet your needs and evolve with you over time.

woman on laptop by a kitchen counter
woman on laptop by a kitchen counter

Group therapy

Eating disorders thrive in isolation, and for this reason, group therapy is an incredibly powerful tool in eating disorder recovery.

Whilst it may seem daunting at first, having your experience heard, held and understood as part of a collective can undo the shame or isolation that can keep someone trapped in their eating disorder.

Here, group therapy is an opportunity to find a sense of community in recovery, with people who deeply understand your experience and want to support one another.

Group therapies at Orri are run by expert psychotherapists who ensure members feel ‘held together’ safely, and there is an emphasis on building trust.

Current groups sessions offered at Orri:

“The support I have received at Orri has been beyond amazing. The therapy is the best I’ve ever experienced, and I have been treated with respect, compassion and kindness throughout.”

Alumni Client

Our services

Outpatient treatment plans are built bespoke and in collaboration with each individual client.

Following an assessment with our specialist team, we’ll create a plan that is comprised of a selection of the following sessions, depending upon your needs and goals for recovery:

Psychotherapy / Psychology

Occupational therapy


Somatic and body-based therapies


Family therapy

Individual carer psychotherapy


Parents and carers group

Binge eating disorder group

Family Therapy and Individual Carer Psychotherapy may be accessed whether your loved one is attending Orri’s treatment or not.

man wearing glasses looking at a mac desktop

“From our first meeting I knew my child would be in the safest hands. Orri gave my daughter the confidence and strength to face recovery. I will be forever grateful.”

Parent of Client

Who we help

We support individuals aged 16 years + with a suspected or diagnosed eating disorder. We also support parents and carers of individuals within our outpatient services. 

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
  • Diabulimia
  • OSFED (Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder)

We know that eating disorders often exist with co-occurring conditions such as: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, trauma, and personality disorders. We create space to treat these conditions, as well as supporting those with neurodivergent needs.


Woman sitting at her laptop smiling
Two people talking

When to seek outpatient support

Eating disorders impact people in different ways. Our outpatient services support people across the spectrum of acuity throughout their recovery journey.

Outpatient services can support:

  • First concerns: Individuals who have started experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder and need support.
  • Staged recovery: Those who have completed intensive day treatment, or other treatment, and are ready to navigate the next phase of their recovery.
  • Deeper exploration: Individuals who have been living with an eating disorder for a long time and would like to explore the underlying issues contributing to an unhealthy relationship with food and the body.
  • Parents and loved ones: Family and individual carer psychotherapy can be beneficial to all involved, providing space and support to explore their own experience.

Different sessions for different needs


Individual psychotherapy happens within the context of a safe and confidential relationship with a therapist who is non-judgmental, compassionate, and committed to your individual recovery. Together, you’ll gain insight into your eating disorder and the underlying causes, and develop new skills that lessen the hold of the eating disorder.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps build resilience in daily life. Our Occupational Therapists take a holistic view of each individual, with a particular interest in your environment and daily activities (or “occupations”). Working alongside you, our therapists help identify areas where you may need more support and facilitate therapeutic interventions that bring a sense of autonomy and connection.


We do dietetics a little differently at Orri. We do not talk about calories, nor do we lay down rules. Instead, our Dietitians focus on finding freedom with food, looking at individual progress rather than the food itself, so that each person can thrive at their own pace.

Somatic & Body-Based Therapies

Our range of body-based therapies help unify the mind and body, using a combination of yoga, mindfulness and meditation. These sessions help you to reconnect your body to your feelings to find safety in the body through greater awareness and nervous system regulation.

Family Therapy

It is a unique and, at times, challenging role to be a parent or loved one of someone living with an eating disorder. There can be a lot of tension as we witness those we love going through hardship, and this can impact the quality of our relationships. Family Therapy provides a unique space to explore and resolve relational dynamics and find strengths that unite the family in their experience of recovery.

Individual Carer Psychotherapy

Individual Carer Psychotherapy sessions are confidential and safe spaces for a carer or loved one of someone with an eating disorder to explore their personal experience with a qualified and experienced Family or Systemic Therapist. Your loved one may be attending Orri’s treatment or attending elsewhere. Either way, this is a space to explore your own experience of “recovery”.


Psychiatry is a branch of medicine specifically concerned with mental health. Our team of specialist eating disorder Psychiatrists offer world-class medical care to ensure the safety of our clients.

Group Therapies

Eating disorders thrive in isolation, and for this reason, group therapy is an incredibly powerful tool in eating disorder recovery. Whilst it may seem daunting at first, having your experience heard and understood as part of a collective can undo the shame and isolation that might keep someone trapped in their eating disorder.

Eating disorder support, in a way that suits you

Attend sessions in person, online, or as a blend of both.

woman on laptop


women talking

In Person

Orri blend programme
