Binge Eating Disorder Group

A specialist online therapy group designed for those living with binge eating disorder.

Binge Eating Disorder Support Group 

This Binge Eating Disorder Support group is specifically designed to help individuals understand the underlying emotional and psychological functions of bingeing and restricting behaviours.

Binge eating disorder (BED) can be an incredibly challenging illness to live with. However, we know that it is treatable and that recovery is possible.

There’s no ‘one way’ to have BED, but there are shared symptoms that can help with a diagnosis and treatment, including:

  • Feeling as though you’re eating uncontrollably
  • Eating in secret, perhaps concealing food or wrappers
  • Preoccupation with body image or appearance
  • Rituals or rigidity with food
  • Low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, shame or self-disgust
  • Depression and/or other co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety or OCD

You might feel as though you have tried every single treatment or meal plan in the world. Perhaps you’ve ‘yo-yo’ dieted for as long as you can remember, believing that you were struggling with ‘willpower’ or ‘discipline’ with food.

You might have mistakenly blamed yourself and suffered greatly with your mental health as a result.  If so, this group is for you.

Start date: Tuesday 10th September 2024

Get help today


This might be your first time reaching out for eating disorder treatment, or, you might feel like you’ve had lots of support before. Wherever you find yourself, we’ll meet you there.

Our treatment is rated ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC.

Orri is in the top 1% of all UK mental health organisations.

Group therapy: a tool for recovery

Eating disorders thrive in isolation. We often hear that people with BED feel trapped in a cycle of bingeing and restricting, and feelings of shame, guilt and fear can arise as we experience behaviours that feel very out of control.

Group therapy is an incredibly powerful tool in eating disorder recovery. Whilst it may seem daunting at first, having your experience heard and shared as part of a collective can undo the shame and isolation that keeps someone trapped in an eating disorder.

The group is “contained” by an expert therapist, meaning that the members feel held together safely, and there is an emphasis on building trust together.

two burnette women talking on a sofa, one with downs syndrome

“It’s such a relief to know that someone else is going through the same pain as you…but I suppose it’s the comradery. The support network around groups has been super valuable for me. The recognition, the validation…it has been so useful.”

– Alumni Client

Designed specifically for BED

People with binge eating disorder can often struggle with emotional regulation, and this can manifest in behaviours with food as eating becomes a means of self-soothing during moments of emotional distress.

Therapy looks to understand the underlying function of bingeing and restricting and illuminate the triggers that lead to feelings of acute emotional distress that are challenging to cope with.

While our group is structured around specific themes and topics that arise for individuals with BED, the focus of the group will also move organically according to what’s arising for individual group members week on week. This fluidity ensures clients have their experience heard, held and shared with others.

woman on laptop by a kitchen counter

An in-depth assessment

 We conduct a highly in-depth assessment utilising multiple members of our specialist team to ensure that our treatment is effective and meaningful for your recovery.

Step 1

Reach out

Call us or fill out the contact form on this page. One of our admissions specialists will then be in touch to discuss how our online programme can help you.

Step 2


We will organise a virtual intake assessment where you will meet one of our specialist team members to discuss your experience in depth.

Step 3

Start your sessions

Following your assessment, we’ll discuss our recommendations with you. We’ll agree a start date and get everything aligned for your first session.

Our Treatment Programmes

Recover in person, online, or with a blend of both.

Day Treatment

Day Treatment

An intensive programme, working with our expert clinicians in our beautiful London clinic.

Two people talking

Online Day Treatment

No matter your location, online treatment meets you where you are at the click of a button.

Two people talking

Outpatient Services

Specialist one-to-one therapy sessions with our expert clinicians.