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If you’re reading this at the beginning of January and feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of a new year – and any expectations that may come alongside that – we’d like to firstly reassure you that it’s okay to just be...
It’s officially the festive season and no matter where you are in life – at school, university, home or at work – you are most likely to find yourself involved in some form of festive celebration. In this series “I’m Recovering...
Orri’s Chief Executive, Helen England, joined the team in September of this year. Today, she explains why 2019 was such a significant year for eating disorders in the realm research and campaigning, but how there’s much to be done to...
Scott, our Head Chef, has been part of the Orri team since day one! We sat him down to learn more about the work he does with our clients and Senior Dietitian, Paula. Being Head Chef for an eating disorder clinic...
The BBC recently highlighted the need for more mental health hospital beds in England to end the distress that comes with sending of patients far from home. As providers of specialist day treatment that’s embedded in the community, we wanted...
You may have seen our recent blog post about the importance of healthy boundaries. In this blog, we’re focusing more specifically on relationships; what it feels like to navigate relationships whilst you’re in recovery from an eating disorder, and how we...
We are all too aware of the physical and mental impact an eating disorder can have on someone. But despite this impact, we often find that eating disorder clients have a reluctance to slow down; to stop what they’re doing...
The BBC recently reported on the lack of eating disorder provision for those aged over-65. As providers of Specialist Day Treatment for those suffering with eating disorders, we wanted to share our response to the news article. It has been proven that...
How did you wake up this morning? Did you roll out of bed after snoozing the alarm for the gazillionth time? Or, did you wake up earlier than most in your household, with a rigorous routine ahead of you that...
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses. Week-on-week feelings changes, people progress in their recovery and specific topics emerge that reflect that progress. We acknowledge this by adapting the contents of our treatment programme to address the themes that crop up....

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