Mental Health

‘New Year, New Body’

How Body-Focused Resolutions & New Year narratives impact the ED community & what we can do to help.

Embracing wintering

As the darkness of November sets in, we are reminded of the importance of the quieter seasons in our lives. This month, we explore the theme of wintering, a concept beautifully articulated by Katherine May in her book of the same name. Wintering is not just a metaphor...

The power of day treatment

Beat’s landmark report highlights the critical role that day treatment can play in supporting individuals and families.

Eating disorders and suicide

By Dr Louisa Beckford, Consultant Psychiatrist at Orri World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on 10th September each year. The aim is to raise awareness and acknowledge the international commitment and action to reduce deaths by suicide. In the UK, many mental...

The role of non-negotiables in eating disorder recovery 

Eating disorder recovery is tough, and for many, it can feel like an unpredictable battle. However, the role of the non-negotiables in recovery can support consistency in this process. Beth, Orri’s Eating Disorder Dietitian, explores more in this blog.

How are you? Really?

How are you, and how are you feeling? These questions can receive the most dishonest answers. Hands up if your automatic response is, “fine.” This blog is for those of you that struggle to be honest.

Anxiety and Mental Health Awareness Week 

Experiencing anxiety can be a fearful and isolating experience, and there are many reasons why we can feel anxious. It’s important to remember that this is a common and very normal emotion in us all, and that is why it is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week this year.

Coping with absence or loss at Christmas

Festivities can be enjoyable. Though for some, it can be painful; especially if there is somebody missing at the dinner table. A gentle blog on how you can cope this Christmas without your loved ones.