
A workbook for Binge Eating Disorder

For Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we’re sharing our top tips for breaking the cycle of Binge Eating Disorder. Click the link below to view and download it! Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a complex mental illness, but it is treatable and with the right support,...

‘Why would online eating disorder treatment be for me?’

We believe eating disorder treatment should meet you where you are, in life and in location. Our specialist online treatment is an accessible, flexible, face-to-face programme for recovery. Read on to learn more. How we’ll work together… Our online treatment is a...

Why boundaries are important in eating disorder recovery

Each week, Orri’s treatment programme changes according to the progress and needs of our clients. Lately, we’ve been discussing boundaries; what it means to develop healthy boundaries and how they can positively impact your day-to-day life. Below is a quick summary of...

Recovering from Orthorexia: 5 Things to Keep in Mind…

Despite how it may seem, orthorexia is much more than a concern for – or awareness of – the nutritional content of food. Eating disorders manifest in different ways; they are unique to the individual and anyone can develop one. This means that there is no right or...

Eating disorders are not about the food.

When someone is suffering from an eating disorder, it’s hard to imagine that it’s not about the food. Here, Orri’s team explain why food is not the problem, rather, it’s a symptom of underlying causes....

Early intervention for eating disorders.

The importance of early intervention. Early intervention means getting help and support as soon as possible, when you need it. The sooner you get help, the quicker you are likely to recover and without relapse. Research tells us that people should be treated within...

Am I holding onto anger?

People with eating disorders can often struggle to tolerate uncomfortable emotions, such as anger. It may be that their experience of anger has been really negative – perhaps anger was the theme of an uncomfortable childhood, maybe it has been delivered in the form of...

In Person Day Programmes.

Who are specialist day programmes for? Our specialist day programmes are intensive, 6-week programmes of treatment for those at different points in their recovery journey. Treatment takes place during the day, and our approach treats all aspects of the...

When life feels lonely.

Eating disorders can be extremely isolating illnesses. Often, people can feel a lot of shame or fear when living with an eating disorder, and this can keep people trapped in their experience. Feeling lonely during this time can be frightening...

Recovering from ARFID: 3 things to note…

ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) often involves limitations and restrictions around food, particularly around the intake of certain types of food or certain amounts. It is also known as “Selective Eating” and can be misconstrued as...