The third Monday of January has been nicknamed Blue Monday because it’s supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Today we’re sharing our top tip for dealing with difficult Mondays: setting intentions.
Recovery from an eating disorder does not happen overnight, nor is it a linear journey. Often, we start off on our recovery journeys holding onto a vague understand of what “recovery” is and looks like, but not really knowing what that yet means for us individually.
The start of the week can therefore be challenging as we get to grips with the prospect of a full week ahead of hard work in treatment or therapy.
Finding motivation when we have so many goals or things to “work on” can be overwhelming, but one of the ways to combat this is by setting an intention for the week.
Setting an intention helps us to narrow our focus on one particular goal, therefore removing the complexity that comes with multiple goals – akin to many spinning plates!
They help give us direction, similar to that of getting on a bike with full knowledge of where you’re headed or how long you’re going to ride for – it adds a reassuring sense of certainty in your day-to-day.
They also help us to hold ourselves accountable to our goals for recovery. When we know what our one goal for the week is, we can communicate this to our wider support network with the knowledge that everyone is on board and rooting for our recovery.
How to set a recovery intention for the week:
1. If nothing comes to mind right away – no worries! Pause for a few minutes and look to the memorable triad of: mind, body, spirit. Where are you in your recovery under each of those categories? With full honesty: what needs more work this week? What is the one thing you could do consistently this week that would most support your recovery?
2. Commit to it by saying it out loud, writing it down and/or telling someone close to you. By voicing our wants and needs we’re putting it out there to the universe and allowing it to manifest. We’re also making a mini pact with ourselves and loved ones
3. Check in with yourself and your intention every morning. Notice, with gentle curiosity and kindness, whether your motivation wanes throughout the day. As long as you’re bringing awareness to this process, that’s ok. Recognise that this checking in process is still a huge part of recovery, as well as learning to be mindfully aware and caring towards yourself
If inspiration is needed, here are some example recovery intentions:
- I will be honest with my parent/partner/best friend/therapist about how I am feeling each day
- I will communicate when I am struggling with my food plan
- I will give myself rest when I feel that my body needs it
- I will unfollow people on social media who bring me negative energy
- I will say no to activities that I don’t have the energy for