We know that people living with eating disorders can feel enormous pressure around exams, and that receiving results can be a trigger for intensifying eating disorder behaviours.
Our Senior Occupational Therapist, Kendra, discusses the emotions that can arise during the period of exams and receiving exam results, and how you can mindfully acknowledge your feelings whilst maintaining your eating disorder recovery.
Feeling stress is normal
Kendra reflects on how feelings of overwhelm and anxiety during period of stress is a normal response.
She highlights just how important it is to show compassion during this time, especially whilst in recovery from an eating disorder.
Kendra’s tips for coping with exam results stress
The common thinking styles that can arise when dealing with exam results stress
Kendra explores the common thinking patterns and cognitive distortions that can arise when dealing with overwhelming situations, such as receiving exam results, such as perfectionism or overgeneralising.
How individuals with eating disorders can approach exam results stress
Below, Kendra identifies unhelpful eating disorder behaviours that can arise during stressful situations, such as avoidance, rules and restrictions and perfectionism; and how individuals can approach these periods with their recovery in mind.
Remember, in the midst of challenge or uncertainty, your eating disorder may seem very loud as you attempt to navigate your emotional experience but you are stronger than your illness.
This experience is merely another opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to your recovery and yourself.
Recognise the incredible work you’ve already done – in recovery, or at school or college – and know that a challenging time doesn’t undo any of that work.