
Dr Sara Morando

Dr Sara Morando is a Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry, with a special interest in eating disorders, trauma, personality disorders, autism, ARFID and ADHD.

Holly Simpson

Holly works as an Eating Disorder Dietitian, combining her passion for helping people and love for all things good.

Vicky Beaumont

Vicky’s practice helps unify mind and body through somatic therapies such as yoga and mindfulness.

Lin Copland

Lin works as part of our outpatient team, providing a compassionate approach to recovery.

Ellie Parkins

Ellie works to ensure clients have a positive journey through Orri, right from their very first knowledge of Orri.

Deborah Casserly

Deborah extends Orri’s offering of expertise in eating disorders to the wider healthcare professional community, with the aim of building collaboration.

Haley Justice

Haley helps people take their first steps into recovery, walking alongside clients throughout the admissions process.

Lucy Inmonger

Lucy is our COO and identifies opportunities across the organisation to support our team with delivering high quality care.

Marta Gimenez

Marta is a key member of Orri, as our Senior Intake Assessor, and meets clients at their assessment and supports their journey into Orri.

Jaime Lahera

Jaime manages our online service, keeping the community connected whilst working towards recovery.

Jenna Porter

Jenna is a compassionate and experienced eating disorder dietitian dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery

Jyoti Kanbi

Jyoti ensures Orri consistently meets the ‘Outstanding’ standards for the CQC.