Recovery Stories

A blog about recovery – by Lizzie

Lizzie, an expert by experience, recently co-hosted a group with our clients to discuss her recovery journey as part of our “Recovery in Action” series at Orri. Today, she shares a letter to those who may be struggling. Thank you, Lizzie! Hi guys, I’m Lizzie and I...

Our client shares her experiencing of finding freedom in recovery.

“Recovery is possible, I am in recovery, and I am so worth it.” As the time draws near for me to finish treatment with Orri I thought what better time than now to write a farewell blog about finding Hope, finding Belief and finding my Freedom. Freedom and recovery...

“I came to you as a real lost soul”

We are consistently moved and touched by the creativity and kindness of our clients. They really are what makes Orri what it is – a safe, warm and welcoming space for eating disorder recovery. I came to you as a real lost soul I didn’t know where to turn Orri helped...

“In short, Orri has given me my life back”

Our client kindly shares her experience in Orri’s online treatment. I feel so lucky and so fortunate to have found  Orri’s online treatment programme at a time when I was so desperately in need of help and support. Being able to access the type of treatment...

“My first experience of Orri was one of nervous relief”

Our client kindly shares her experience of eating disorder recovery at Orri. I’d had an eating disorder for twenty years before I started treatment at Orri. It started at 19 and at 21 I was admitted to an inpatient eating disorder unit. Whilst I knew there was...

The Guesthouse – a poem

This beautiful poem about welcoming our full, emotional experience as human beings was shared by one of the Orri team members. We hope you enjoy it. This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness...

Men’s Health Week: Men’s Health Matters, a poem by our client

Men’s Health Matters Men and women; boys and girls These labels, they keep us apart. But if we take just a moment to look We’re all souls with the same beating heart.   Just like women, men feel pain They feel down, defeated and blue. Men experience panic and...

Men’s Health Week: Through the eyes of our male client

One of our clients shares his experience of being a man with an eating disorder for Men’s Health Week. We hope that this brave and honest account helps those who may be feeling ambivalent about reaching out for specialist help and support. I’ve struggled with an...